Every beginning has to end, but like the circle of life, every ending gives birth to a new beginning. Congratulations to the graduates of MSU Chorale 2012. They have serve their purpose and succeeded in their studies and in the same manner, painted a legacy of music to the members left behind who will carry the sound on and on and on.
March 30-31 was the 33rd commencement exercise of the Mindanao State University General Santos. Senator Trillanes gave a power packed message to all our graduates.
One cannot deny the fact that after surviving a number of years within the university premises, the struggle was worth it. You can see them through the faces of these graduates.
Our very own Aldrin and Jizelle smiling at each other, laughing at the moment of success. Immortalize within this picture, the joy of having accomplish a certain goal.
Who would forget the long years of service for the MSU Chorale this person had given? Our very own first tenor Rod Julius Pabon. Now a mechanical engineer but at the same time a singing beackon for his younger sisters and brothers within in the group.
We give you the so called KOREAN addict inside the choir. Do you need updates for korean films and tv series? Shessed is the girl for the job. Yet she had been a faithful soprano member for the group and was always there when we needed her.
Gibson, Rebz, Luz, JC and Janina with the other msu chorale members. This was taken during the baccalaureate service. As always, msu chorale was there to sing the invocation, national anthem and of course the university hymn.
Amorsolo Gloria and Kyle Katipunan, tow of our trusted bass singers posing with the girls. Did I mention that Kyle graduated as CUM LAUDE?
There you go! We give you the most prominent alto member (since she entered) and you would not worry about make-ups. This faithful alto singer had given her best for the group and I'm sure the members of the group will agree to that.
Last but not the least, is the director himself who have just finished his MASTER'S DEGREE. Congratulations sir Bobby Pasion!
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