General Santos City have always and I guess will always be having champions to talk about and celebrate. Starting from our very own Manny Pacquiao to our local stars such as Melissa, Gerald Anderson and the list could go on and on. This was the very reason why the theme for this year's Paskohan sa Gensan is "Kampeon ang Pasko sa Gensan."
Sponsored by the Department of Education, a production number was organized last December 5,2011 for the opening program of the weeklong celebration for Paskohan sa Gensan 2011. One specific part of the program was the showcase of selected chorale groups within the city. They were the LGU Choir of Gensan, the Mindanao State University Chorale, the Voce Heneral and volunteers from Holy Trinity. Each chorale sang their respected pieces to show the public that General Santos is also a city of musical talents.
Our very own MSU Chorale sang "The Battle of Jericho" during the said event. There were other talents during the opening program which really got the attention of the crowd. It was one special experience for the group and also an honor to represent the our school during the event.
Please like us on facebook By the way, we have a blog for all of you music lovers out there who wants to study music for free. Please also visit
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